Here it is! My very first picture upload. This is a little piece of a portfolio I am putting together for my design portfolio/school application. It is still unfinished and in the process of being done.
I started out doing a thick coat of white oil paint - bad idea, oil takes a lifetime and a half to dry which means you have to be EXTREMELY patient, which I am not. While the white was on I went in and added the purple and blue detail. I really had no direction in mind I kind of just started to play.
After about a month of drying time I was finally able to play with the canvas a bit more. Right now I have a HUGE obsession with birds...not real or realistic looking birds, just silhouettes and drawings. I drew and cut out 2 birds. One from a piece of paper I had collected over the years (I tend to buy things, be it paper or craft materials that I like -even if I have no use for them at the time) the other from an old book I got for free from a garage sale - garage sales are the best place to find things to re-purpose or in my words "destroy". Everything is inexpensive and you can barter for lower prices.
I will be adding a sentence of some sort to the painting, I'm thinking something along the lines of "Breathe deeply, Live Freely, Love Sweetly" all in black paint but stamped on so it doesn't look perfect.
looking good so far! i love the quote idea! can't wait to see it finished!